1-5 Variables in C++ | المتغيّرات في لغة سي بلس بلس
1-4 Tokens (Program Components) and Naming Rules in C++ | المكوّنات الأساسيّة للبرنامج وقواعد التسمية
Solid Design Principles with Java – #01 Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
Solid Design Principles with Java Series Welcome to this new series of solid design principles with Java programming language. In this series we will focus on the most important design principles, introduce them with minimal efforts on both us and the reader, this series should be followed by a more advanced one on design patterns with Java later on – stay tuned! Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) On this first lesson, we will discuss the Separation of Concerns (SoC) aka Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)....